Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello! I am Dante L. Sapine, the President of Block B BSA-1 student. As one of the pioneering students I will give focus on the production of organic vegetables. I have my little farm and I will start it right in my backyard.  Whatever learning I may get from my class particularly in my crop science and soil science subject  (my instructor is Mr. Glenn Romanos from the University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines) I will apply it in my area.  

My next post is about how to produce natural inputs for my garden such as Fermented Fruit Juice, Fish Amino Acid, Fermented Plant Juice, Tea Manure, etc.  This is in preparation for my backyard garden but I intend to organize some of my classmates to do the same so that we can arrive into a good quantity to sustain demand and create a niche market to produce  for the organic vegetable consumers.

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