Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Brief Profile of Zamboanga del Sur

There are a number editions of the Provincial Profile of Zamboanga del Sur, i.e., socio-economic edition, executive legislative agenda (ELA) edition,  hazard profile edition, provincial disaster risk reduction plan edition, etc.  Below is the ELA edition by the Provincial Planning Development Office.

Geographic Location

Zamboanga del Sur is situated in the southern section of the Zamboanga Peninsula that forms the western part of the island of Mindanao and lies between longitudes 122°13'00" and 123°39'00" East and latitudes 7°15'00" and 8°20'00" North, bounded by the province of Zamboanga del Norte in the north, the provinces of Misamis Occidental and Lanao del Norte and Panguil Bay in the east, Moro Gulf in the south and Zamboanga Sibugay in the southwest.

Politico-Administrative Subdivisions

The province has 26 municipalities and one city. It is divided into two congressional districts. District I includes the City of Pagadian and 11 municipalities (northeastern part); while, District II has 15 municipalities, most of which are located along the coast on the south eastern area of the province. In all, the province has a total of 681 barangays.

List of Municipalities and Number of Barangays by District
District I
District II
Brgys (No.)
Brgys (No.)
1. Aurora
1. Bayog
2. Dumingag
2. Dimataling
3. Josefina
3. Dinas
4. Labangan
4. Dumalinao
5. Mahayag
5. Guipos
6. Midsalip
6. Kumalarang
7. Molave
7. Lakewood
8. Pagadian City
8. Lapuyan
9.  R. Magsaysay
9. Margosatubig
10. Sominot
10. Pitogo
11. Tambulig
11. San Miguel
12. Tukuran
12. San Pablo

13. Tabina

14. Tigbao

15. V. Sagun
District -I Total
District–II Total
Zamboanga del Sur = 681 barangays
Source:  ZDS Provincial Ecological Profile – 2011 Edition

Land Area

The province has a total land area of 4,477.36 sq. km. that constitute 31.67% of Region IX and 1.49% of the country's 300 thousand

Land Area by District (In Sq.Km.)
Land Area
Percent to Total
Region IX
Region IX


Source of Basic Data:  Zamboanga Peninsula Social Development Program (ZAMPEN-SDP)


Zamboanga del Sur is hilly to mountainous; about 54 percent of the province consists of rugged hills and mountains; undulating to rolling landscapes cover about 30 percent, alluvial lands about 10 percent and marsh and tidal flats 6 percent. 

To the north and east of the province, topography is flat to gently undulating with mountainous areas running along the northern boundary.  The northern portion is characterized by lowlands, hilly lands, and thickly forested mountain ranges stretching across the entire province, while the coastal portions are linked by mangrove trees (LRES 1984).

The complex lithology and structure of Zamboanga del Sur are, to a certain extent, reflected by the topography.  In general the highest peaks are along the medial axis of the Zamboanga cordillera which ascends to elevation exceeding 1,500 meters above sea level.  These peaks exhibit a radial drainage pattern typical of dissected volcanic cones, and are particularly well-developed in the middle part of the province.  Several lakes (Lake Wood, Lake Dasay and Lake Maragang) are also directly related to volcanism in this area.

The structure of the Baganian Peninsula also appears to be dominated by northwesterly aligned tectonic lines, however, most of the highlands of this peninsula are covered by youthful volcanic forms.  The sedimentary area in the Sibuguey Peninsula is separated from the north-eastern Zamboanga ranges by an extensive occurrence of youthful volcanic rocks.
The irregular coastline of the province is generally rocky with occasional limited stretches of sandy or gravelly beaches.  The coastal profile usually descends abruptly  seaward but in some places coral reefs and mangrove swamps may border the coast.  Along the southern coast, several embayment are gradually being filled up with alluvial materials producing small tracts of coastal plains (LRES 1984).


Due to the extent of fine grained volcanic rocks, various sedimentary derivatives and pyroclastics, the soils of Zamboanga del Sur are largely clays.  Intense weathering has produced deep profiles although on slopes over 20 percent, stone content is often high.  The upland soils are low in fertility due to high rates of leaching, and organic matter content is generally low (LRES 1984).


The province has a mean annual rainfall varying from 2000 mm in driest areas to 3500 mm in the wettest.  The seasonal distribution of this rainfall shows a short but quite dry period in the first quarter of the year.  Temperatures are relatively warm and constant throughout the year ranging from minimum (night) temperatures of 22°C to maximum (day) temperatures of 32°C (LRES 1984).


Water resources in the province include rivers, lakes and major river basins, including major bays.  The four (4) major bays in the province are:  Yllana Bay, Panquil Bay, Dumanquillas Bay and Maligay Bay, embraced by more or less 268.9 kilometers of coastline.

The three (3) identified principal rivers are the Salug River, Labangan River and the Sibuguey River.  The Salug River originates in the area of Josefina municipality in the northeastern part of District I.  Dipolo River, a tributary, originates at the northern area of Dumingag municipality.  These two (2) initial small rivers converge at the lower part of Mahayag municipality providing irrigation water to the plains of Mahayag and Molave.  It is joined in the lower plain of Tambulig municipality by the Salug Diut and Usugan Rivers and empties into the Panguil Bay.

The Labangan River originates at the upper area of Labangan municipality and is joined by the Macasing River at Barangay Bagalupa and the Dipaya Creek and empties into Pagadian Bay. 

At the southern part, the Sibuguey River originates in the hinterland of Bayog municipality and traverses the Sibuguey plain of Bayog and other municipalities of Zamboanga Sibugay.  The major river basins in the province include the Salug Valley and Sibuguey Valley.

The three (3) freshwater lakes in the province are:  Lakewood at Lakewood municipality is the largest with 722 hectares; Lake Dasay of San Miguel municipality with 40 hectares; and Lake Maragang of Tigbao municipality with an area covering 20 hectares.

The result of the 2010 Census on Population conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) revealed that Zamboanga del Sur has a population of 959,685 from the 2000 population of 836,217, representing an increase of 123,468 or an average annual growth rate of 1.39 percent.  Total population is then projected to reach 1,028,096 in 2015 and 1,101,383 in 2020.

Of the total provincial population in 2010, 186,852 or 19.5 percent are residing in the City of Pagadian while the remaining 772,833 or 80.5 percent are in the municipalities.  In  terms of concentration, District I accounted for 59.7 percent of the population or 572,813 constituents with Pagadian City being the primary urban center of the province while District II has only 40.3 percent or 386,872 constituents with Margosatubig having the highest population in the district.

Urban-Rural Distribution
Zamboanga del Sur has a far lower proportion of urban population with only 29 percent as against its rural population with 71 percent. This means that on the average, there are only about 29 out of 100 persons residing in the poblacion areas while 71 of the province's population resides in the rural areas.  In 2010, the proportion of urban population in the province is increasing from 27 percent in 2000 to 29 percent. 

Average Household Size
The number of households in 2010 was recorded at 203,402 higher by 41,724 households compared with the 161,678 households posted in 2000. The average household size in 2010 was 4.7 persons, lower than the average household size of 5.2 persons in 2000

Population Density
With a total land area of 4,477.36 sq. km. and a population of 959,685, the gross population density of the province in 2010 is computed at 214 persons per  Pagadian City is the most thickly populated with a density of 649 persons per 

Age-Sex Structure
Of the 957,499 household population in 2010, males accounted for 51.2 percent while females comprised 48.8 percent. These figures resulted in a sex ratio of 105 males for every 100 females.

The Province had a high proportion of the younger age group.  In 2010, the young dependents (0 to 14 years) comprised 36.1 percent of the household population while the old dependents (65 years and over) posted a share of 4.1 percent. The working-age population (15 to 64 years) accounted for the remaining 59.8 percent. 

The overall dependency ratio was 67, which indicates that for every 100 working-age population, there were about 67 dependents (60 young dependents and seven old dependents). This ratio is lower than the dependency ratio in 2000, which was recorded at 79 dependents per 100 working-age population (73 young dependents and six old dependents).

Population’s Highest Grade Completed
The 2010 Census of Population and Housing shows the educational attainment of the household population aged five years old and over. It reveals that 45.9 percent had attended or completed elementary education, 27.6 percent had reached or finished high school, 7.3 percent were college undergraduates, and 7.0 percent were academic degree holders. Among those with academic degree, the females (57.4 percent) outnumbered the males (42.6 percent). Likewise, there were more females (61.5 percent) than males (38.5 percent) among those with post baccalaureate courses.

Ethnic Groups
The Province has been shaped historically by the varied migration patterns with the Subanen people being the earliest established groups.  They were followed by Muslims and then the Cebuanos who are the predominant ethnic group.  Of the total household population, 43.5 percent classified themselves as Cebuanos in year 2000.  It is followed by Bisaya/Binisaya (34.9 percent) and Subanen (10.6 percent). The remaining 11 percent are either Hiligaynon/Ilonggo, Tausug, Maguindanao or are from other notable migrations of ethnic groups who came in later and helped accelerate the development of the area.  Ethnic diversity, therefore, is considered as one of the most important elements in understanding the development potentials, as well as the problems of the province. The ethnicity distribution is assumed to be the same in 2010.

Religious Affiliation
Religion is also important social element in the lives of the people in the province. About 69 percent of the household population in Zamboanga del Sur are Roman Catholics. Other denominations also gained some grounds like the Iglesia ni Kristo, Seventh Day Adventists and other Christian groups with churches propagating/expanding to all municipalities. Islam religion and its mosques are now expanding to Non-Muslim areas.

Economic  Profile-Labor Force Characteristics and Employment
With the projected household population of 984,215 in 2012, about 606,458 persons belong to the working age population (15 years old and over), based on the 2010 Census Report.  Of this, 389,952 are in the labor force representing a labor force participation rate of 64.3 percent.  With an employed labor force of 377,572, the employment rate in 2012 is recorded at 96.8 percent.

Of the total employed persons, almost one half or 47.6 percent were in the agriculture sector with those worked in agriculture, hunting and forestry subsector comprising the largest group in this sector (41.3% of the total employed), followed by the services sector with 41.6 percent with a subsector those engaged in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (15.5%). The industry sector was only 10.8 percent.  Industries with declining trend in employment growth are mining and quarrying due to the implementation of its regulatory measures. (Note: Due to the absence of provincial estimates for the percentage distribution of employed persons in major industry group, this percent distribution is from the regional estimates)

With the thrust towards sustainable agro-industrial development, emphasis was placed on optimum utilization of agricultural resources by massive application of organic fertilizer to advance agri-based industries.  This improved generation of more employment and various livelihood opportunities especially at the rural areas as well as increase in per capita income.  In support to this direction, substantial investments were put in place not only in the infrastructure sector but also in crops, ducks, livestock, fishery production, industry development and trade and industry promotion.

Family Income and Expenditure
Based on Family Income and Expenditures Survey (FIES) of 2009, the total average family income of Zamboanga del Sur was estimated at P 168,131 posting a percentage change of         18 percent over the 2006 data of P 142,731. On the other hand, its average expenditure was estimated at P 132,440, higher by 19 percent over the 2006 data of P 111,033.

Poverty Incidence among Families
Based on the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) the province poverty incidence among families in CY 2009 is estimated to 26.2 percent with an estimated magnitude of poor families of 88,154.

Establishments in the Industry Sectors
A total of 5,921 establishments classified as services, trading, allied industries and manufacturing sectors in the province are recorded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) from the year 2008 to 2012.  

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